A Tribute to My Dad, Ray ‘The Print’ Scanlon 27/7/55 – 13/10/22

My lovely Dad sadly died in hospital this Autumn after a long period of illness. His funeral was on the 9th November 2022 at West Herts Crematorium and I was very pleased to write and read out my own personal tribute to him. Here it is below, for posterity xxx

My Dad truly was a larger-than-life character. I keep saying to people since his death that there is definitely a massive Ray shaped hole in the world now. He meant so many things to so many people and we have been touched by, and thank you, for all of your kind messages of sympathy…

To me, as his daughter, it is what he taught me about life and his guidance that I will remember the most. He was so proud of his printing business in Watford. My Mum said that just after they got married, he stood in the middle of the room and said, “I’m going to have my own business one day”, and he most definitely achieved it! He saw his business, not as a route to riches, with a fancy house and car, but to help people. His family were first and foremost, and he wanted to be able to give us all a job for life. I didn’t always agree with his choice for me, but the 6 years I spent working for him after I left college were to definitely set me on the career path I have now. He taught me so much about the printing industry, and gave me opportunities as a young woman, that I probably wouldn’t have got in another firm at the time.

In fact, his work ethic really influenced me, and I still have those values now as I run my own business. He would always want to do the best job he could for his customers, and he tended to be a bit of a perfectionist, which is has rubbed off on me. He would tend to foresee any potential problems with a job immediately, saving his customers money in the long run, and would prepare the ground to work to his best ability for them. Again, this is the way I work, and has gained me many happy, loyal customers over the years who keep coming back. So, I have my Dad to thank for the means to earn a living as a self-employed person, and the skills to keep the business going.

He was a determined person too, never giving up in the pursuit of something he wanted or felt was important to do. Me and our cousin Mary Teresa joke that this is a Scanlon trait, and it definitely is as far as I am concerned! I have the same tenacious spirit and won’t give up in anything I decide to put my hand to. And I will always do it to my best ability. I have him to thank for that also.

As a Dad, we also had many happy family times together, especially at Christmas which he loved. Playing board games after Christmas dinner was always fun, and Dad would play with his usual determination to win! Summer holidays were also a highlight, going abroad to Spain and France a few times. I will remember his relish for fresh seafood and being adventurous with food in general. Something again, which has influenced me. Whilst we all relaxed on the beach, Dad would sometimes go up to the bar and have a pint. I went to sit with him once and he was eating some round battered, ring shaped snacks. He said ‘try one, its onion rings’ – only for me to quickly find out that it wasn’t – it was calamari! I hated it at the time but I love them now anyway! When we were in France he would order a long beer and call it a Formidable – I asked him what that meant once and he said’ it’s a Large beer innit? For me, double…’

That was his sense of humour all over, he was cheeky but loveable. We all used to joke that he was a real life Del Boy, he could never resist an opportunity to make money, dragging us all into the scheme, no matter how hare brained it would seem. He even had his own well known catch phrases like ‘Superb’, and ‘Check it Out’ which people still quote when referring to him now. He would always have a laugh with his friends, and there was always a funny story to tell. He was a fantastic storyteller too!

So it is without hesitation that I pay tribute to you my Dad, Ray ‘The Print’ Scanlon. I hope you rest in peace and we will always remember you, for your generosity, sense of humour, and providing us with much entertainment over the years!

Lots of love, Rachel xxx