Rachel Toy Freelance Writer - Poetry

Why is it always me? – A Poem

Why is it always me
who has to plan the meals
and go out to do the food shopping with zeal?

Why is it always me
who has to put in a wash or two
and every week, clean the house anew?

Why is it always me
who has to find the time
for everyone, at the expense of mine?

Why is it always me
who has to show I care
and if I don’t, would be unfair?

For women have been trained
to do this since we were girls.
Mothers let their sons off
whilst our reality unfurls.

How about a new deal
where boys are taught to be aware
of ingrained gender privilege,
and toxic masculinity became rare?

Women must stop being the cushion
for everything in this world.
Let others fend for themselves
and leave us undisturbed.

by Rachel Toy, August 2022